Music by The Refusers

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What Has Become of the Swedish Healthcare Model?

This information comes from the Swedish News Media. It's about a woman named Elin Andersson who had a Cesarean Section at the Hospital in Sundsvall, Sweden. This was her second baby.

Elin and her husband had to do much of the work of the Nursing Staff. The husband saw to the housekeeping and cleaning in the room and Elin had to keep track of her medicine schedule and call the nurses to remind them when it was time for her medication.

Here is a copy of a report from a Swedish Newspaper that has been translated into English below the Swedish Text:

Föda och städa på BB i Sundsvall
Elin Andersson, nyförlöst med kejsarsnitt fick fixa det mesta själv när hon fick sitt andra barn på Sundsvalls sjukhus i början av augusti. Och barnafadern fick hjälpa till med skötseln av den nyblivna tvåbarnsmamman.

Publicerad 22 aug 2010 04:00
Uppdaterad Sun Aug 22 10:14:01 CEST 2010

Varje gång det var dags för medicin fick Elin Andersson själv ringa personalen och påminna, skriver Sundsvalls Tidning.

Sista uppdrag
Andra morgonen efter operationen bestämde hon sig för att åka hem.
-Då kom barnmorskan och sade att jag skulle få ett sista uppdrag. Sedan hämtade hon en stor vit tvättsäck och bad mig städa ur rummet och sängen där jag legat, berättar hon för tidningen.
Två av barnmorskorna på BB i Sundsvall tycker att Elin Andersson ger en bra bild av hur det ser ut på deras arbetsplats.
-Hon beskriver precis de bitarna vi inte hinner med, säger barnmorskan Gunnel Westerlund.

"Känns inte bra"
-Den medicinska säkerheten går alltid först och man kan inte lämna en födande mamma. Det stämmer att vi ibland tvingas använda oss av föräldrarna och det känns inte alls bra.

English Translation:

The second morning after the operation/surgery the mom decided to leave the hospital. The midwife came and had a final request. She brought a big white laundrybag and asked for the room to be cleaned together with the bed that she had been lying in.

According to the workers the medical security always comes first and they just cannot leave a woman giving birth alone. Thats why they need to ask the parents to help out even if it does not feel good.

My Swedish Translators comments:

This is absolutely amazing don´t you think? Why the hell do they ask the parents to clean instead of contacting the union, the media and the hospital board?

My comments based on an article from a Sundsvall Newspaper article:

Another reason for the lack of services may be explained by the fact that 700 personal were layed off from Sundsvall Hospital in March, 2010 with 400 of those being Under Nurses. A Swedish Under Nurse is the same as an LPN in the States. Today there is such a lack of them that the RN's are now doing many of their duties in the Swedish Hopitals along with the House Cleaning since Cleaning Staffs have been cut down also to save money.
It's no wonder there is a rise in Hospital caused diseases and infections here in Sweden.

This is not uncommon today in the more effective Swedish Healthcare System. This is the Politicians explanation of why they has layed off so many nurses at a time of an increase in sickness in Swedish Society and also at a time that the Government has opened up for the privatisation of Swedish Healthcare. If they follow the model of the privatising of Swedish Schools, then it will be the politicians, their connected family members and friends who will be the one's opening up private clinics and hospitals and reapng temendous profits with even worse service. One of the richest business men in Sweden announced a few months earlier that he was investing in this area and that tells me this will be the next area in which to make windfall profits without supplying any inprovement in the quality of service. The Government will still pay determined amounts for treatments and visits to these private Doctors and Clinics, and Hospitals just as in the Private Schools that have been spreading like a cancer.

I am not a critic of Socialized Medicine and often have wondered how the Swedes have failed in this area while the British and the Canadian Governments have managed to develop a quite effective and well working system for their citizens health needs. At least if one honestly compares the three systems. I have had a one year experience teaching in a Swedish Private School and have first hand experienced the low standards, majority of uncertified teachers, lack of books and services for students, and tremendous amounts of funding that mainly reaches the wallets of the Founders, Headmasters, or relatives and friends. Seeing this first hand and from my background as a Certified Teacher and graduating from one of the top Teaching Universities in the States with honors, I will qualify myself as having some authority to view the Swedish School System in a critical manner. So naturally, it is easy for me to see a connection between the Privatising of Education and Health Care and predict the possible outcome of an even more corrupt and even more disfunctional system as is already the case in Modern Day Sweden. I also have an inside source Here who has related many stories of her experiences with this nonworking system. Talk to many Swedish Teachers or Nurses in private and your ears will hurt after hearing of their experiences in these two areas of Swedish Society.

So in conclusion and for those who have been following my blog I must warn those who are considering a move to the 3rd best country in the world to live in, the most attractive Nation to move to in Europe and the 8th in the world according to another survey resulting in more statistics, think twice before moving and especially if you are suffering from any pre-existing illnesses or have health problems or if you have children in need of a good education. You will not find quality services here.

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